On the mountains high and in the valleys low, I will be with you. My love will never depart from you.
My love doesn’t depend on your circumstances and it doesn’t change according to your emotions or your faithfulness. I AM, and My love always IS.

Right now, in this moment as you reach out to me. Even in the moments when you doubt or fear or turn away. When you hurt and feel alone and when you question my ways. When you ask “How long, God?” My love for you stays the same! It is pure and everlasting, faithful and true. It doesn’t falter or diminish. My love IS and forever stays unchanged. 

Shift your gaze to MY love, My child. Don’t be distracted by the things and conditional loves of the world. The hurt and pain they cause are inevitable, because people are people…, but I AM God! I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I have loved you from the beginning of time and in all the stages of your life on earth. I have loved you as a baby, as a toddler, as a child, as a teenager and as an adult. 

My love has never left you! I have chosen you, accepted you and adopted you. You are mine!
I AM who created you, tells you today: I love you always! To the end of your life on earth and in all eternity. So, look up My child, fix your eyes on things above, listen for my tender voice, believe and take hold of the life-giving truth: You are loved with an everlasting love.

Heavenly Daddy,

Thank you for drawing close and reminding me of your great love. I don’t deserve it and still You give it freely, completely. Your first commandment is to love You with all my heart and mind and strength. This is a tall order, Lord. My efforts don’t seem to measure up. Teach me how to love you with everything I am and have. As I receive your love in my heart anew, flood my heart so that it spills over into my life and into the lives of those whom You have placed in my path. I love You, Lord. Amen